Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jacque & Nick Cisler *** Married On 5.2.09 ***

I'm so behind on blogging... I must have forgotten from last year how time consuming this is! Gotta get back in the swing of it! So Jacque and Nick were married a couple of weekends ago at the beginning of May on a gorgeous spring day! The weather forecast that week was calling for rain, but there wasn't a drop, and instead we had sun all day! We ended up going to downtown Rockford instead of downtown GR, as Jacque works at Reds, and I'm so glad we did! Love shooting over there, Reds has got great brick, and I always love the red train!

Cuttin' the cake... the reception was held downtown at the Courtyard Marriott...

Givin' the toasts and the head table...

Lots of presents...

Pink lilies and roses adorned the cake, and the girls bouquets...

One of my favorite shots at Reds of Nick and Jacque... love this brick!

Nick and some buds...

Awww... mom and dad give Jacque some love...

Had a hard time getting a good angle on lighting the unity candle...

The girls spent the morning riding around from hair salon to church in their oh-so-cool pink hummer.... wish I had a little more time with this! First time seein' it!

Even the wheels are pink!

Strikin' a pose...!

The Church...

The Rings...

Pile up! I took a little heat for this one... geez it was the end of the day, thought it'd be fun! Made for a cute pic anyway...!

See... cute picture!

Reds Rocks...

Jacque did a great job keepin' these guys in line...

the girls were perfect of course...

Oh... what a well mannered group of guys... they listened so well....... (:

See... perfect!

Why is that one guy waving at me?

A toast to the bride and groom...

Strollin' down the boardwalk...

Just hitched...

Really captured the smoke here, could not get a good angle from either of us!

Givin' mom a kiss...

More fun hummer pics...

Love this one of you Jacque...

Finishing touches...

Jacque has the best smile and laugh... I caught this several times throughout the day!

Finding her way into the dress...

I love details.................

First dance and some smoochin'...

There's that laugh again with dad...

Mom's havin' a good time!

Cake time...

There it is again!

One more fun shot before we head to the reception...

I swear these smiles are all candid!

Red trains = Cool backdrops...


Okay, these guys were fun... just took a minute to get them to quit laughing!

What did you do Nick? ??

Mom and Dad watching intently...

Nick seeing Jacque for the first moment that day...

Nick's mom watches Jacque walk down the aisle...

Always love a piano....

Pink bouquet, pink limo... what more could a girl want? (Pink shoes)

Jacque and Nick, hope you had a fabulous time on your honeymoon, and hope you enjoy the preview. There will be lots more later on, thanx for a fun picture filled day, everything turned out great!

Holli and Joe

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